NEWSLETTER – September 2023

NEWSLETTER – September 2023

AKMI hosted with great success a 5-day seminar in Athens focusing on the learning and training deliverables of the Erasmus project.
The seminar took place between 4 – 8 September 2023 at the premises of AKMI in Keramikos area.
MiTrust partners gathered VET providers and trainers to exchange views on the program, and examined the training materials thoroughly.

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More specifically, the seminar addressed the context of the e-linguistic support tool, the soft skills curricula, the “Construction- pedia”, and the self-assessment tool. All deliverables will be available online during October in order to be used for training at a local level among the participating countries. The Mitrust deliverables have been designed to empower and enhance the learning experience and will be open for all soon on our website here.

Based on these results, the MiTrust partners have already started to organize and prepare the training activities for migrants on a national level, as well as Multiplier events.The training material includes the development of soft skills, language competencies and specific skills for the construction sector.

co-funded-by-erasmus-plusVon der Europäischen Union finanziert. Die geäußerten Ansichten und Meinungen entsprechen jedoch ausschließlich denen des Autors bzw. der Autoren und spiegeln nicht zwingend die der Europäischen Union oder der EuropäischenExekutivagentur für Bildung und Kultur (EACEA) wider. Weder die EuropäischeUnion noch die EACEA können dafür verantwortlich gemacht werden.